Physical Punishment in Latin America: A State of Play

Physical Punishment in Latin America: A State of Play

This document summarizes the relevant findings of an exploratory study conducted to determine the main trends and challenges of Latin American research in the field of physical punishment of children and adolescents. The study focused on research reports that had been published in peer-reviewed indexed journals. For its implementation, priority was given to publications from the period 2006-2018, which made it more likely to include in the analysis the monographs of international organizations that collected information at the beginning of the last decade and published more recently (World Health Organization, World Health Organization, World Health Organization, etc.). [OMS] and Pan American Health Organization [OPS]).

Date of publication: 2023-10-01

Format: PDF


Publisher: Centro de defensa del niño y del adolecente (Child and Adolescent Advocacy Center)

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Language Spanish

Physical Punishment in Latin America: A State of Play

Document information

Country: Mexico

Region: Latin America

Copyright: © Author/Publisher
