Category Lastest news

22 Apr

Distance education: Teachers can also motivate their students

There are authors who state that the definition of any learning process is based on the increase of the students' capabilities, and this can be achieved by making them enjoy the process. Because, perceiving teaching as something entertaining, students tend to get involved in it, interacting with classmates and the teacher to raise doubts, seek information and, ultimately, pass the subject.


28 Feb

Michel Forst visited Peru

Michel Forst United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights Defenders visited Peru to meet with high-level representatives from various ministries, several vice-governors, state institutions and organizations to assess whether human rights defenders feel safe and empowered throughout the country...


28 Feb


REDNNYAS was present thanks to the support of PASC linked to REDNNYAS' line of work on human mobility. Positioning in the different work tables ideas strength of its positioning worked as REDNNYAS in the Subregional Forum developed in 2019 and validated in the assembly held in Cartagena in October of the same year...


28 Feb

Claudia and Geraldine share their experience of the Regional Consultation with youth from Latin America and the Caribbean

In the days leading up to the XIV Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean in Santiago, Chile, 64 adolescents and young women from the region met in a consultation space facilitated by United Nations agencies. This activity, part of the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, includes adolescents for the first time in a regional consultation process. The results of this consultation will be presented at the Generation Equality Forums in Mexico in May and in France around mid-year, in July...


28 Nov

The PASC participated in the thematic consultation on the rights of adolescent girls and boys.

On behalf of the PASC Program, our regional gender advisor participated in the first panel, oriented to identify the main challenges related to the elimination of discrimination against girls and adolescent girls in LAC...